Christ Being Formed in Us VS Our Becoming Mature Sons
"I am again in travail until Christ is formed in you." (Gal. 4:19)
Christ Being Formed in Us VS Our Becoming Mature Sons
"I am again in travail until Christ is formed in you." (Gal. 4:19)
The Seven Aspects of Letting Christ Be Formed in Us (Growth, Saturation, Making Home, Possession, Mingling, Constitution, Renewing)
Galatians 4:19: "My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you."
"Formation" in Galatians 4:19 versus "Image" in 2 Corinthians 3:18
Galatians 4:19 - "My little children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you."
Christ Being Formed in Believers VS Believers Being Constituted with Christ
Gal 4:19 "My children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you"