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2024-07-27 基督是我們的新酒,要裝在新皮袋裏 (0) (0)
2024-07-27 Christ as the Unfulled Cloth and Our New Garment (0) (0)
2024-07-27 基督作為未漂過的布和新衣服 (0) (0)
2024-07-26 How the New Jerusalem as the Holy City Manifests God's Glory as God's Expression? (0) (0)
2024-07-26 何以 ‘聖城新耶路撒冷裏帶着神的榮耀’ 作神的彰顯? (1) (0)
2024-07-26 The Lord as Our Physician vs. The Lord as Our Bridegroom (0) (0)
2024-07-26 主作我們的醫生 VS 主作我們的新郎 (3) (0)
2024-07-25 How does the Lord Jesus fulfill His ministry as a physician? (0) (0)
2024-07-25 主耶穌如何是作醫生來盡職? (4) (0)
2024-07-25 Why is the Lord Jesus One with Authority, Reigning in Life? (0) (0)
2024-07-25 何以主耶穌是有權柄者,在生命中作王? (5) (0)
2024-07-24 From the Bible's perspective, How Christ is the Great Light? (2) (0)
2024-07-24 從 聖經 看 '基督如何是大光' (6) (0)
2024-07-22 How to Truly Feel that Christ is Precious to Us? (2) (0)
2024-07-22 如何纔感覺到基督對我們實在是寶貝? (13) (0)
2024-07-22 The gospel is the gospel of the glory of Christ, illuminating, shining, and radiating in human hearts (0) (0)
2024-07-22 福音乃是基督榮耀的福音,照明、照射、照耀在人心裏 (5) (0)
2024-07-22 Why should there be illumination and radiance when preaching the gospel? (1) (0)
2024-07-22 為何傳福音時應有光照和照耀? (6) (0)
2024-07-21 The Triune God in Christ becomes our life by shining into our hearts (0) (0)
2024-07-21 From 1 Corinthians Chapter 4, examining 'Genuine Humanity and True Spirituality' (2) (0)
2024-07-21 三一神在基督裏藉着照在我們心裏而作我們的生命 (25) (0)
2024-07-20 從 哥林多前書 四章 看 ‘真正的人性和真實的屬靈’ (7) (0)
2024-07-20 The Stewards of God's Mysteries (2) (0)
2024-07-20 神的奧祕的管家 (5) (0)
2024-07-19 Why Paul said the apostles have become a spectacle? (4) (0)
2024-07-19 保羅為何說使徒成了一臺戲? (3) (0)
2024-07-19 All things are ours, we are Christ's, and Christ is God's (0) (0)
2024-07-19 萬有都是我們的, 我們是基督的, 基督是神的 (9) (0)
2024-07-18 Why Christians Need to Remove the Veil? (0) (0)
2024-07-18 何以基督徒需要除去帕子? (6) (0)
2024-07-17 從 以西結書47章1~12節和啟示錄22章1節 看 '如何經歷神殿生命水的流' (6) (0)
2024-07-16 From the perspective of the New Testament : ‘The Lord's Illumination VS Man's Reflection’ (2) (0)
2024-07-16 從 新約 看 '主光照人 VS 人返照主' (5) (0)
2024-07-16 From the Bible's perspective: ‘New Testament Light VS Old Testament Light’ (1) (0)
2024-07-16 從 聖經 看 '新約的光照 VS 舊約的光照' (7) (0)
2024-07-16 From the Bible's perspective, examine the distinctions between 'shine forth', 'shine on', 'shine into', 'according to', 'illuminate', 'radiate', and 'shine brilliantly' (1) (0)
2024-07-16 從 聖經 看' 照出,照在,照進,照著,照明,照射,照耀’ 之區別 (6) (0)
2024-07-15 Experiencing Life to Live the Proper Church Life (2) (0)
2024-07-14 從 新約 看‘何為正確的召會生活?’ (14) (0)
2024-07-14 The ministers of the new covenant qualified by God are multi-faceted life workers (0) (0)
2024-07-14 新約彀資格的執事的六種身分 (9) (0)
2024-07-13 Why would a church become like the 'Dead Sea', full of salt, if there is no flow of water? (1) (0)
2024-07-13 何以召會中若沒有水流, 那個召會就要成為'死海',滿了鹽? (14) (0)
2024-07-13 Why Christians need to be measured to enjoy a deeper flow of life? (2) (0)
2024-07-13 從 聖經 看 '何以基督徒要享受更深生命的流,就必須被量過' (24) (0)
2024-07-13 The Keys and Conditions for Christians to Enjoy the Flow of Life (2) (0)
2024-07-13 從 聖經 看 '基督徒享受生命的流之要訣和條件’ (12) (0)
2024-07-11 From 'The Garden in the First Book and the City in the Last Book of the Bible' to 'God's Field and God's Building in 1 Corinthians 3:9' (7) (0)
2024-07-11 從 '聖經首卷的園和未卷的城' 看 '林前三章九節中神的耕地和神的建築' (11) (0)


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