From '1 Corinthians 1:30' – Understanding 'Our being in Christ Jesus is from God vs. This Christ has become wisdom from God for us.
From '1 Corinthians 1:30' – Understanding 'Our being in Christ Jesus is from God vs. This Christ has become wisdom from God for us.
從 '林前一章30節' 看 '我們得在基督耶蘇裏是出於神 vs 這基督成了從神給我們的智慧'
哥林多前書 1:30"但你們得在基督耶穌裡,是本乎神,神又使他成為我們的智慧、公義、聖潔、救贖。"
The Effects of Experiencing the Crucified Christ
1 Cor 1:24 "but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God."