Understanding 'The Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jehovah VS the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus' from the Apostles' Actions in Gospel Work

Genesis 1:2b ...And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

Genesis 2:7 Jehovah God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said to her, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore also the holy thing which is born will be called the Son of God.

Acts 16:7 And when they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, yet the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them.



The Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jehovah

The Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus

According to

The practice of the Old Testament economy

The new action in God's New Testament economy


1. Elements of divinity

2. Elements of the Divine Trinity

3. The Spirit of life

1. Holy Spirit: Elements of the holy divine nature

2. Spirit of Jesus: Elements of humanity, human living, and crucifixion


1. Mainly interacts with humans during creation and Old Testament times

2. Emphasizes God's self-existence and relationship with humans

1. Includes the complete redemptive work and life experience of Jesus Christ

2. More directly involved in the spread of the New Testament gospel

3. Emphasizes the union of holy divine nature and humanity


1. The Spirit of God hovering over the waters to produce life (Gen 1:2)

2. The Spirit of Jehovah interacting with people in the Old Testament

1. The Holy Spirit filling John the Baptist to prepare the way for the Savior (Luke 1:15)

2. The Holy Spirit enabling the Savior's birth, imparting divine nature into humanity (Luke 1:35)

3. The Holy Spirit forbidding Paul to speak the word in Asia (Acts 16:6)

4. The Spirit of Jesus not permitting them to go into Bithynia (Acts 16:7)


1. Producing life in creation

2. Establishing relationships with humans in the Old Testament

3. Bringing life in spiritual experiences

1. Separating people unto God from everything outside of God

2. Imparting divine nature into humanity to fulfill the plan of redemption

3. Empowering correct human living and endurance of suffering

4. Guiding and directing the apostles' gospel work

Relevant Scriptures

Genesis 1:2, 26 - God's Spirit moving upon the face of the waters; God creating man in His own image

Romans 1:20 - God's eternal power and divine characteristics are clearly seen

Romans 8:2 - The law of the Spirit of life

John 6:63 - It is the Spirit who gives life

Exodus 3:14-15 - Jehovah as the self-existent and ever-existing One

Luke 1:15, 35 - John filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb; the Holy Spirit coming upon Mary

Acts 16:6-7 - The Holy Spirit forbidding them to speak the word in Asia; the Spirit of Jesus not permitting them to go to Bithynia

1 Corinthians 15:45 - The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit

2 Corinthians 3:17 - The Lord is the Spirit


This table summarizes the contrast between the different appellations and actions of God's Spirit in the Old and New Testaments. In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus more comprehensively embody Christ's redemptive work and directly guide the apostles' gospel ministry. This reflects God's richer and more complete revelation and way of working in the New Testament.

Such a contrast clearly demonstrates the continuity and development of God's Spirit throughout the entire Bible, while also highlighting the special significance of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus in the New Testament. It comprehensively reflects the history of God's interaction with humanity, from creation, through the Old Testament period, all the way to the gospel work in the New Testament.


*Please refer to the 2024 Summer Live Training - Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1), Message Twelve: The Divine Trinity, the Spirit of Jesus, and the Kingdom of God."

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