The Church Bringing in the Kingdom in Two Aspects:
The Reality of the Kingdom (Church) VS The Manifestation of the Kingdom (Millennial Kingdom)
Matthew 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
Matthew 16:19 I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in the heavens, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in the heavens.
Ephesians 2:22 In whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit.
Revelation 1:6 And made us a kingdom, priests to His God and Father, to Him be the glory and the might forever and ever. Amen.
Comparison Items |
Reality of the Kingdom (Church) |
Manifestation of the Kingdom (Millennium) |
Meaning |
1. Today's expression and experience of God's kingdom in church life 2. The practical condition of living and walking in spirit 3. Growth and development of divine life |
1. Future physical manifestation of the kingdom 2. The period when Christ and overcomers reign 3. Complete fulfillment of God's will |
Distinctions |
1. Present experience 2. Practiced in church life 3. Spiritual reality 4. Requires pursuit and exercise |
1. Future manifestation 2. Concrete expression on earth 3. Physical entity 4. Reward for overcomers |
Explanation |
1. Living under the dispensing of the Divine Trinity 2. Living the kingdom life in the church 3. Growing in divine life unto maturity 4. Under the kingdom's government, administration, discipline, and training |
1. Christ and overcomers co-reigning 2. God's will fully accomplished 3. Satan bound for thousand years 4. Righteousness and peace filling the earth |
Examples |
1. Living and walking in spirit 2. Dealing with self, confessing sins, obeying 3. Praying to bring in God's kingdom 4. Spiritual warfare overcoming the enemy |
1. Christ reigning as King 2. Overcomers reigning with Chris 3. Earth restored to Eden's condition 4. All nations under Christ's authority |
Application |
1. Exercising to live in spirit in church life 2. Pursuing growth in life unto maturity 3. Praying for God's will to be done on earth 4. Continuing Christ's victory, dealing with the enemy |
1. Pursuing victory to gain the reward 2. Preparing ourselves for the Lord's return 3. Praying for kingdom's manifestation 4. Living an overcoming life |
Related Verses |
1. 1 Cor. 6:9-10 - Unrighteous shall not inherit kingdom 2. Rom. 8:4 - Walking according to spirit 3. Matt. 6:10 - Your kingdom come 4. Matt. 16:18-19 - Building church, binding and loosing 5. Rev. 1:6,9 - Kingdom's endurance 6. Rom. 14:17 - Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in Holy Spirit |
1. Rev. 20:4 - Reigning with Christ thousand years 2. Matt. 25:21,23 - Good and faithful servants rewarded 3. Rev. 11:15 - Kingdoms become Christ's kingdom 4. Rev. 12:10 - Kingdom of God and authority of Christ have come |
Important Supplementary Notes:
- 1. Relationship between Church and Kingdom:
- * Church is produced to bring in the kingdom
- * Church continues Christ's victory
- * Church brings heaven's will to earth
- 2. Importance of Prayer:
- * Kingdom's coming requires prayer
- * Church's prayer restrains Satan
- * Prayer is working with God to bring His kingdom to earth
- 3. Necessity of Spiritual Warfare:
- * Kingdom of heavens' establishment needs spiritual warfare
- * Church continues Christ's work of resisting Satan
- * Fighting and overcoming under Divine Trinity's dispensing
The Two Aspects of the Church Bringing in the Kingdom:
1. Reality of the Kingdom (Church):
- * Present experience in church life
- * Spiritual reality through living in spirit
- * Under kingdom's government and discipline
- * Growing in divine life unto maturity
2. Manifestation of the Kingdom (Millennium):
- * Future physical manifestation
- * Christ and overcomers' reign
- * Complete fulfillment of God's will
- * Satan bound and righteousness prevailing
Key Principles:
- 1. Progressive Nature: From reality to manifestation
- 2. Dual Purpose: Church brings in both aspects
- 3. Practical Implementation:
- * Reality: Daily spiritual exercise
- * Manifestation: Preparation through overcoming life
- 4. Ultimate Goal: Full expression of God's authority on earth
*Please refer to October 2024 International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones
General Subject: Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God Week 3: The Kingdom and the Church