目前分類:2024 Summer Live Training - Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (77)

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Why do Christians need to seek to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of their lives?


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The Scope and Purpose of Christ's Shepherding of His Flock in Five Stages


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The new wineskin in Matthew 9:17 is the church life


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The Kingly Savior Dealing with Self-righteous and Dissenting Pharisees from the Old Religion VS Dealing with Fasting and Dissenting Disciples of John from the New Religion


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The 'Cloth' in Matthew 9:16 VS the 'Garment' in Luke 5:36


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How did the self-righteous Pharisees violate the principle of God's economy?


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Two Aspects of the Lord Exercising His Authority: Through the Lord's Teaching Words VS Through the Faith Infused by the Lord


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‘Salvation by the Lamb of God at the Jordan River VS Calling by the Great Light at the Sea of Galilee’


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Christ as the Great Light, the One with Authority, the Physician, the Bridegroom, the Unfulled Cloth, and the New Wine


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Why ‘Unshrunk Cloth Cannot Be Used to Patch an Old Garment VS New Wine Cannot Be Put into Old Wineskin’


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Christ as Unfulled (New) Cloth VS New Garment VS New Wine VS New Wineskins


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Christ is Our New Wine to be Poured into New Wineskins


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Christ as the Unfulled Cloth and Our New Garment


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The Lord as Our Physician vs. The Lord as Our Bridegroom


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How does the Lord Jesus fulfill His ministry as a physician?


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Why is the Lord Jesus One with Authority, Reigning in Life?


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From the Bible's perspective, How Christ is the Great Light?


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