From the Perspective of God's Kingdom: "Born Into vs. Enter Into vs. Transferred Into"


John 3:5 "Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God"

Colossians 1:13 "He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son"



Born Into

God's Kingdom

Enter Into

God's Kingdom

Transferred Into

God's Kingdom


Through regeneration, receiving God's life and naturally belonging to God's kingdom

Moving from one realm

 into another

Being transferred from one authority's realm to another

Essential Difference

Change of life,

 obtaining divine life

Change of position,

spatial transition

Change of jurisdiction, from one authority to another

Relationship with Triune God

Related to the Holy Spirit:

- Regeneration in spirit

- Fellowship of the Spirit

- Receiving divine life through the Spirit

Related to God the Father:

- Entering into Father's love

- Enjoying Father's loving kindness

- Entering the realm of divine family

Related to God the Son:

- Transferred into the kingdom of the Son

- Enjoying the Son's grace

- Under Christ's authority

Key Characteristics

- Natural, like being born into human kingdom

- No learning or teaching needed

- Gaining innate understanding of kingdom matters

- Requires conditions (regeneration)

- An action or process

- Conscious choice

- God's initiative action

- Once and for all change

- Complete transformation


Like a baby born with human life, naturally belonging to human kingdom

Like entering a room or realm

Like moving from one country to another


- Natural understanding of spiritual things after regeneration

- Inner knowledge of kingdom matters

- Knowing right from wrong without external teaching

- Regeneration is the only way to enter God's kingdom

- Divine life needed to enter divine realm

- Transferred from Satan's authority to God's kingdom

- Complete transfer of sovereignty

Related Scriptures

- John 3:3 "Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"

- John 3:5 "Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God"

- Colossians 1:13 "He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son"

Operation of Triune God

- Spirit's fellowship brings life change

- Accomplishes regeneration

- Realizes divine life transmission

- Father's love draws people in

- Brings enjoyment of God's household

- Realizes fellowship with God

- Son's grace executes transfer

- Establishes position in kingdom

- Implements authority transfer

Believer's Experience

- Partaking of divine nature in life

- Receiving divine life instincts

- Living in Spirit's fellowship

- Entering God's family in position

- Enjoying Father's love

- Living in divine realm

- Enjoying God's authority in kingdom

- Experiencing Christ's grace

- Living under divine rule


These three terms reflect different aspects of believers' relationship with God's kingdom:

"Born Into" emphasizes the nature of life

"Enter Into" emphasizes practical experience

"Transferred Into" emphasizes the transfer of authority


These three aspects complement each other and together paint a complete picture of how believers fully enter and live in God's kingdom.

Additional Notes:

These three aspects show how believers fully experience the Triune God:

  • Regenerated in the Holy Spirit
  • Enjoying in the Father's love
  • Receiving grace in the Son's kingdom


The operation of the Triune God is inseparable:

  • The Spirit's fellowship brings in the Father's love
  • The Father's love is manifested in the Son's grace
  • The Son's grace is realized through the Spirit's fellowship


This complete experience enables believers to:

  • Partake of divine nature in life
  • Enter God's family in position
  • Enjoy God's authority in the kingdom


These tables now completely present the work of the Triune God in believers' lives and how believers fully experience God's life, love, and authority.


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