Understanding 'Experiencing Christ vs. Enjoying Christ' Through Biblical Examples


Luke 10:40 "But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to Him and asked, 'Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!'"

Luke 10:41 "The Lord answered, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things;'"

Luke 10:42 "But only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her."



Experiencing Christ

Enjoying Christ

Primary Location

In spirit (Phil. 1:27)

In soul (Phil. 2:2)


Crossing Red Sea, Exodus from Egypt, Wilderness journey

Entering and inheriting Canaan

Essential Meaning

Deliverance from sin, freedom from bondage

Basic spiritual experience

• Focus on ministry and service

May only have external changes

Tasting the riches of Christ, obtaining satisfaction

Deeper life communion

• Focus on life and fellowship

Brings internal satisfaction and transformation

Key Features

• Emphasis on salvation and deliverance

May feel burdened in service

May lack enjoyment due to soul issues

• Emphasis on intimate communion with Christ

Rest at the Lord's feet

Requires dealing with soul parts, especially the mind

Biblical Examples

Israelites exiting Egypt but dying in wilderness (Num. 14)

Martha busy with service (Luke 10:40-41)

Elder son working outside (Luke 15:25-28)

Paul's initial salvation experience (Acts 9)

• Caleb and Joshua entering good land (Josh. 14:6-15)

Mary sitting at Jesus' feet (Luke 10:39)

Younger son enjoying feast with father (Luke 15:23-24)

Paul counting all things loss (Phil. 3:8)

Scripture References

• "Conduct worthy in Christ" (Phil. 1:27)

• "Brought out from Egypt" (Ex. 13:3)

• "Martha was distracted" (Luke 10:40)

• "Strive to enter" (Luke 13:24)

• "United in soul, same love" (Phil. 2:2)

• "Rejoice in the Lord" (Phil. 3:1)

• "Taste and see the Lord is good" (Ps. 34:8)

• "Holding forth the word of life" (Phil. 2:16)

Practical Application

Pursue deliverance from sin

Practice obedience to the Lord

Learn to experience Christ in all circumstances

Experience the Lord's presence in service

Deal with soul parts (mind, emotion, will)

Fellowship with the Lord in spirit

Taste nourishment in the Word

Enjoy the Lord's presence in service


Foundation for enjoying Christ

Needs to develop into enjoyment

May become dry if only experiencing

Built on the foundation of experience

Enriches and deepens experience

Leads to fuller knowledge of Christ

Pastoral Focus

Help believers overcome negative things

Establish proper service life

Teach exercise of spirit

Guide in dealing with soul issues

Lead into deeper fellowship

Build habits of enjoying Christ


Biblical examples clearly illustrate the distinction between experiencing and enjoying Christ:

1. In the Old Testament:

* The Israelites experienced Christ's redemption by crossing the Red Sea under Moses' leadership, escaping from Egypt's idolatry and Pharaoh's bondage

* However, the first generation (except Caleb and Joshua) died in the wilderness without entering Canaan to enjoy the all-inclusive riches of Christ (typified by the good land)


2. In the New Testament Gospels:

* Martha was busy with service and distracted, unlike Mary who enjoyed Jesus Himself at His feet

* In Luke 15, the elder son was busy laboring but unwilling to enjoy the feast (fatted calf) with his father and younger brother

* These are examples of experiencing Christ without enjoying Christ


Key Conclusions:

  1. 1. Experience and enjoyment of Christ are inseparable aspects of spiritual life
  2. 2. Renewal of the soul is key to enjoying Christ
  3. 3. Pursue both experience and enjoyment in balance


*Please refer to the 2024 International Thanksgiving Conference  'Living the Christian Life and Church Life under God's Government for God's Economy'  Chapter 4 Becoming a Replica of Christ and Experiencing Christ as the Shepherd of Our Soul

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