Christ According to the Flesh vs. According to the Spirit of Holiness

Ro 1:3 Concerning His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh,

Rom 1:4 Who was designated the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead;

Ro 8:29 For those whom God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.



According to the Flesh

According to the Spirit of Holiness


David as King of Israel

Resurrected Christ as God's Firstborn


Christ took on human form, became flesh

Had only the form of fallen man without the sinful nature

Descendant of David, with royal identity

Marked out as the Son of God through resurrection

Possesses divine nature and glorified humanity

Became God's Firstborn as prototype for many sons


Divinity concealed in flesh

Has humanity but without sinful nature

Recognizable as human by appearance

Divinity fully manifested

Humanity sanctified, uplifted, transformed

Possesses both divinity and glorified humanity


Limited to human realm

Bound by time and space

Divinity relatively hidden

Transcends human realm

Unbound by time and space

Divinity fully manifested


When Christ became flesh:

Took on the likeness of fallen man

Had only the form of sinful flesh, without sin

Recognized as David's descendant

After Christ's resurrection:

Marked out as Son of God with power

Brought humanity into divine sonship

Became the Firstborn with both divine and human nature


According to flesh for redemption

Process of divinity entering humanity

To bring God into man

According to Spirit for producing many sons

Process of humanity brought into divinity

To bring man into God

Related Verses

• Matt 1:1 - Genealogy of David

• Rom 1:3 - Seed of David according to flesh

• Rom 8:3 - Likeness of sinful flesh

• 2 Cor 5:21 - Knew no sin

• Heb 4:15 - Without sin

• Rom 1:4 - Marked out Son of God in resurrection

• Luke 24:26 - Suffering and glory

• John 17:5 - Receiving glory

• Acts 13:33 - Resurrection as Son of God

• Rom 8:29-30 - Conformed to Son's image



This comparison reveals the progressive revelation of Christ's person - from His incarnation according to the flesh to His designation according to the Spirit of holiness through resurrection. This progression shows how Christ brings God into man and subsequently brings man into God, fulfilling God's eternal purpose.


*Please refer to the July 2024 Anaheim, California, USA training Experiencing, Enjoying and Manifesting Christ (II) Week 13 David’s descendants become the sons of God

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