Who God Is VS Who We Are - Complete Comparative Analysis

Isaiah 42:5 "Thus says God the LORD, Who created the heavens and stretched them out, Who spread out the earth and its offspring, Who gives breath to the people on it And spirit to those who walk in it."

Isaiah 64:8 "But now, O LORD, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our potter; and we all are the work of Your hand."


Analysis Aspects

Who God Is

Who We Are



Practical Application

Related Scripture

Essential Position

- Sovereign over all

- Creator

- Potter

- Created beings

- Clay

- Vessels

- Creator-creature relationship

- Shaper-shaped relationship

- Sovereignty-submission relationship

- Recognize God's sovereign authority

- Accept our created position

- Maintain our created duty

- Rev 4:11 "You created all things"

- Isa 42:5 "God who created the heavens"

- Jer 18:1-6 "Like clay in the potter's hand"

- Rom 9:20-21




- Possesses infinite authority

- Above all things

- Acts according to His will

- No right to resist God's will

- Cannot talk back to Creator

- Submit under God's authority

- Ruler-ruled relationship

- Ordainer-ordained relationship

- Authority-obedience relationship

- Fear God's authority

- Submit to God's leading

- Accept God's arrangement

- Dan 4:34-35 "King of heaven"

- Rom 9:19-20 "Who are you to talk back to God?"

- 1 Kings 22:19 "sitting on His throne"

Sovereign Acts

- Acts according to eternal purpose

- Makes various vessels

- Shows mercy and chooses

- Being shaped

- Being made

- Being chosen

- Maker-made relationship

- Chooser-chosen relationship

- Mercy giver-receiver relationship

- Thank God for His selection

- Receive God's mercy

- Cooperate with God's making

- Eph 1:4-5,9-11 "according to His good pleasure"

- Rom 9:21-23 "Potter's authority"

- 2 Tim 2:20-21 "vessel for honor"



- Express glorious riches

- Execute salvation plan

- Fulfill eternal economy

- Contain God

- Express God's glory

- Become honorable vessels

- Glory-expression relationship

- Content-container relationship

- Riches-containment relationship

- Pursue being filled with God

- Live out God's glory

- Become useful vessels

- Rom 9:23 "make known the riches of His glory"

- 2 Cor 4:7 "treasure in earthen vessels"

- Eph 1:11 "obtained an inheritance"

Implementation Process

- Choose according to will

- Actively show grace & mercy

- Continually make & renew

- Being chosen

- Receiving grace

- Accepting making

- Giver-receiver relationship

- Grace-reception relationship

- Making-cooperation relationship

- Cherish God's selection

- Enjoy God's grace

- Cooperate with God's work

- Eph 1:5 "according to His good pleasure"

- Rom 9:18 "He has mercy on whom He desires"

- Phil 2:13 "works in you"


Key Summary:

  1. 1. Basic Principles
    • * God has absolute sovereignty; humans should fully submit
    • * God is Creator and Shaper; humans are created beings and being shaped
    • * All things are for God's glory
  2. 2. Practice Points
    • * Acknowledge and respect God's sovereignty
    • * Willingly accept God's making
    • * Strive to become useful vessels
    • * Live out God's glorious testimony
  3. 3. Way of Blessing
    • * Experience God through submission
    • * Be renewed in His making
    • * Be enriched in containing Him
    • * Be well-pleasing in expressing Him

Original Theme Analysis:

"Who God Is VS Who We Are" reveals the fundamental relationship between God and humans based on biblical truth. This theme explores:

  1. 1. Divine Perspective
    • * God's sovereign authority
    • * His creative power
    • * His eternal purpose
    • * His sovereign rights
  2. 2. Human Position
    • * Our created status
    • * Our dependent nature
    • * Our vessel function
    • * Our responding role
  3. 3. Relationship Dynamics
    • * Creator-creature interaction
    • * Sovereign-servant relationship
    • * Potter-clay formation
    • * Content-container purpose
  4. 4. Practical Implications
    • * Understanding divine authority
    • * Accepting human position
    • * Living out proper relationship
    • * Fulfilling divine purpose

This theme fundamentally addresses the core questions of existence, purpose, and relationship between God and humans, providing essential understanding for spiritual life and practical living.


*Please refer to: International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones, October 2024

General Subject: Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God

Week 5: Living Under God's Sovereign Authority and Living According to God's Mercy

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